The MMS juggernaut continues to build steam and momentum, fueled on positive results shared by people who weighed the information, set aside their fears (and prior habits), and used their own intelligence to embark on their personal journey back to well-being. For all the allegations and insinuations by people who would rather feed you fearful misinformation than acknowledge the facts, a body of experiences is being formed about this simple protocol. Through the experiences of those who share what they have learned and gone through, the “clinical trials” for MMS have already begun.
I get emails and calls from people who have watched my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble (available by visiting, gained further appreciation for how it works, and are now experiencing the effects for themselves. I’ve shipped the video around the world, and throughout the U.S. and Canada. Sent one to Botswana last week (many are being distributed in South Africa), and received some kudos from a man who watched it from TV New Zealand.
And I received these touching words yesterday from a man in Grass Valley, California, who purchased a 50-disc bulk package:
Thank you, Adam, I hope that if I learned about MMS before you — I would have paved the way for you and others as nicely.
That made my morning.
One recent purchase went to someone at the National Science Foundation, near Washington, D.C. The motto on their web site says, “Where Discoveries Begin”… which sounds a bit presumptuous given the time it took for them to “discover” what Jim Humble learned 10 years ago, and the public has begun learning over the past year.
However, their open-minded awareness and understanding of MMS is welcomed. Whether it is simply for the individual who purchased it (which I would rather doubt), or the organization, the spirit in which the documentary was produced, that embodies simple, unbiased query, is now present there, and will influence whatever happens from what they learn.
With the salmonella story gaining traction, and the scope of the scare tactics widening, there’s even more reason to “understand” how MMS/chlorine dioxide works. The concern started with certain “raw” tomatoes, and now that over 1,000 people have been “struck” by the bacteria, the eye of suspicion is now being “cast” on cilantro and chili peppers used to prepare salsa (see story).
This is a witch hunt that, if it stays in the present mind-set, will only expand because the salmonella is not the real problem. It’s the degree of imbalance that we’ve so allowed ourselves to become, without thinking, that we think the bug is the problem and not the state of our immune system.
1,000 people out of 300 million have somehow been affected by salmonella, and our government is on a witch hunt, that will eventually lead to more regulation, higher prices, and a greater reliance on, and use of, antibiotics, medicine, or genetically modified foods and organisms (transgenic), thinking they will do a better job of keeping us healthy than Mother Nature.
This is not to say that the goals of transgenic science are not well-intended. The assumption that they can do a better job scientifically than Nature can do naturally is the rub. Science works in the realm of what they can see and measure, while Nature encompasses that, and more that science will eventually, but has yet to discover. Yet, science is not driving the push to sanction genetically “improved” foods. It’s the companies that produce them, with government blessing, having paid hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase it. You can bet that government sanctioning will become mandates, if we don’t wake up to the real problems that face us.
Mother Nature is not the problem with human health, nor is our biology. The problem is how profoundly we’ve distanced ourselves from her, allowing imbalance to become “normal,” a state that is then confused by a plethora of symptomatic labels we refer to as “diseases.”
The MMS/chlorine dioxide protocol will simply and inexpensively reduce the pathogen load that our bodies carry, and help restore internal balance. It will break up the biofilm that many anaerobic microorganisms will form and then colonize, which protects them from antibiotics with clogging lungs, joints, and clouding vision.
I spoke to a very thoughtful man yesterday who has had HIV/AIDS for 17 years. He has only been using MMS for two weeks, and he’s already up to some major “droppage” (48 per day — 18, 15, and 15), although he’s been taking it after eating. I suggested he do it on an empty stomach, and dial his intake back until he knows how his body will respond. He may not need nearly as much to get the same result when there is no food in the belly.
However, in just this short time he commented on the mucous that has exited his body… that first started out as black, with some thickness to it, and has now become clear. He also described a spectrum of colors that have displayed in his stools, where they are only now beginning to look “normal”. This is the crap that we carry in our bodies, the effects of microbial imbalance and over acidity. We don’t have to have HIV/AIDS in order to be in the same boat. Imbalance is imbalance. The only factor is degree.
The gentleman I spoke to yesterday knows that the MMS protocol is helping, and also understands now that it’s not enough. I pointed him to marine phytoplankton as a way to give his body the full spectrum of minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients that it needs to repair itself. I pointed him to raw/unpasteurized milk or colostrum, that will repopulate his stomach with aerobic microorganisms. We sometimes talk in terms of “beneficial” and “bad” microorganisms, but they all serve a purpose. The real issue is simple balance.
If we think we must “kill off” all the “bad,” we’ll maintain the imbalance, because “the good” will be killed off too. The problem of the moment may then appear to be “fixed,” but it will only be shifted elsewhere, to present itself in another form over time.
On the technology side, I suggested that he consider drinking alkaline water, to help elevate the overall pH in his body, which is consistently in the 5.3-5.5 range. While there are some simple ways to alkalize water (adding baking soda will do it, but will also deactivate MMS), I introduced him to water ionization systems that I learned about from a guest, Peter Good Gold (, that I had on Talk for Food. (Click here to listen to the podcast.)
I also introduced him to the BEMER 3000, a new and impressive technology that uses low-level electromagnetic waves to improve microcirculation, a term I had never heard of, but have come to appreciate. This unit costs $3,500, but if you can afford it, it will enhance the effectiveness of virtually any modality (allopathic or naturopathic), because it gets circulation going again on a critical level, which augments the delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and energy, to all parts of the body. (Click here to listen to my podcast on the BEMER.)
Many naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, and wellness practitioners are buying them, and making them available to their clients. If the price is out of your range, find someone who offers BEMER sessions. They don’t need to be long, are totally relaxing, and you’ll be naturally energized by becoming more balanced, in the same way that the planet Earth helps us be balanced through the low level electromagnetic frequencies that it emits.
One gratifying point that’s happening is the number of people who have told me that their doctor told them to get the MMS!
MMS is not a cure-all; never has been. However, it has always been a viable option, the benefits of which simply need to be understood.
This topic is quite trendy on the Internet at the moment. What do you pay the most attention to when choosing what to write about?
Hey, cool tips. I’ll buy a bottle of beer to that man from that chat who told me to visit your site
“If we drink good water, we can remove all of diseases over %80 (WHO)”. Alkaline water can sucsess this. Alkaline water flushes acidic metabolites and toxins from cellular level. Supplies health sustaining minerals such as Ca, K, Mg, Na to the body. Contains smaller water clusters (51KHz) that hydrates the body up to 3 times more effective than normal water. Facilitate nutrients and mineral absorptions efficiently. Promotes general well-bing by restoring the body.
I purchased MMS three weeks ago, began with one drop eventually got to fifteen drops then had the mother of all diorea attacks, which took three days to subside. Since then I dropped back to six drops a day for maintainance purposes. However, the bonus for me has been the removal of a chronic exzema on both of my feet which has been a serious itchy, and painful problem, for the past five years. I am extemely happy to have had the opportunity to use MMS and say a big thank you to Jim Humble.
I also saw the article on marine phytoplankton and wonder if it will work with the MMS. I am far from a science major and I am finding it difficult to navigate this world.
From what I understand, antioxidants are electron donors. So when they find a damaged cell (that has an electron imbalance) it donates an electron to neutralize the cell. On the other hand, MMS is an electron recipient, looking for molecules with extra electrons (which I understand most pathogens have) and then it grabs the extra electrons.
That of course makes MMS incompatible with any antioxidant as they would cancel each other out.
So, does marine phytoplankton work as an electron donor or recipient?
I saw that your ‘marine phytoplankton’ link links to the Pure Healing Foods website. I was wondering if you have a direct formal affiliation with them. If not, please email me.